Seminole Heights Flooding Relief construction began in late 2021. Crews are working in multiple locations at the same time across all three Seminole Heights neighborhoods: South Seminole Heights, Old Seminole Heights, and Southeast Seminole Heights.
The dates provided below are tentative and may be adjusted due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.
Outfall Structure and North River Boulevard Area
- All project scopes and restoration work in Haya Linear Park have been completed, including the installation of new grass and a paver driveway leading to the outfall.
North Florida Avenue
- Final construction on North Florida Avenue is scheduled to begin in mid-to-late February to prevent conflicts with existing pavement, driveways, and utility structures. The final layer of asphalt will be applied two weeks after receiving approval from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
East Frierson Avenue
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on East Frierson Avenue.
East Caracas Street, West of I-275
- The project scope and restoration work have been completed along this section of East Caracas Avenue. However, the contractor managing the I-275 project needs to maintain access to the street for the time being. The guardrail will be reinstalled once access is no longer necessary.
North Central Avenue, South of East Hillsborough Avenue
- The project scope and restoration have been completed on North Central Avenue, south of Hillsborough Avenue.
North Central Avenue, North of East Hillsborough Avenue
- The project scope and restoration on North Central Avenue are complete, except for the final stormwater connection at the northwest corner of East Hillsborough Avenue and North Central Avenue intersection, situated within the southbound lanes of North Central Avenue. The road closure information on the project website will be updated accordingly.
East Hanna Avenue
- All utility work on East Hanna Avenue for the project has been completed. Paving began the week of January 20th and will continue for two weeks. Final striping will be done simultaneously with the striping of North Nebraska Avenue.
- The intersection of East Hanna Avenue and North Nebraska Avenue has been reopened to westbound traffic on East Hanna Avenue. However, the eastbound lane, east of North Nebraska Avenue, remains closed.
East Caracas Street and Taliaferro Avenue, East of I-275
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on East Caracas Street.
East Caracas Street, East of North Nebraska Avenue to North 12th Street
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on East Caracas Street.
East Ellicott Street
- All work on the East Ellicott Street project has been completed. Final restoration between North 9th Street and North 10th Street is currently in progress, as the area was previously used for construction materials. The restoration is expected to be completed by mid-to-late February.
North 12th Street, East Caracas Street to East Curtis Street
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on North 12th Street.
North 10th Street, East Ellicott Street to East Chelsea Street
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on North 10th Street.
North 9th Street, East Caracas Street to East Ellicott Street
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on North 10th Street.
East New Orleans Avenue
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on East New Orleans Avenue.
East Louisiana Avenue
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on East Louisiana Avenue.
East Chelsea Avenue
- All project scopes and restoration have been completed on East Chelsea Avenue.
North Nebraska Avenue (North of Hillsborough Avenue)
- The new water main along North Nebraska Avenue, from East Henry Avenue to East Hanna Avenue, has been completed. Crews are now working with the City of Tampa to connect the new main to the existing system. Paving of the roadway is scheduled to occur within two weeks after the tie-ins. All stormwater work has also been completed.
General Notice
Construction is generally scheduled on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Occasionally, night and weekend work may be necessary for major road crossings or connections. If significant construction activities, such as pipe installation, road work, or work that could block access to homes, take place outside of regular hours, residents will be notified ahead of time. Routine housekeeping and cleanup activities on Saturdays will not receive separate notifications.